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3rd Class

Maths My Way 3rd Class Student Book

Student Book

Take a look at the Student Book for the 3rd Class.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Content Overview

Content Overview

Check out the topics covered in Maths My Way 3rd–6th Class.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Teaching Slides #1

3rd Class Teaching Slides #1

Take a look inside the Teaching Slides #1 for 3rd Class

Maths My Way 3rd Class Teaching Slides #2

3rd Class Teaching Slides #2

Take a look inside the Teaching Slides #2 for 3rd Class


Sample Unit: 26. Transformation

This unit explores 2D shapes and their properties in relation to transformation, through a mix of interactive activities and hands-on problems.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Teaching Slides #1

Teaching Slides

Explore the Teaching Slides for 3rd Class Unit 26. Transformation: Lesson 1.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Teaching Slides #2

Teaching Slides

Explore the Teaching Slides for 3rd Class Unit 26. Transformation: Lesson 2.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Teaching Slides #3

Teaching Slides

Explore the Teaching Slides for 3rd Class Unit 26. Transformation: Lesson 3.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Teaching Slides #4

Teaching Slides

Explore the Teaching Slides for 3rd Class Unit 26. Transformation: Lesson 4.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Fortnightly Plan

Fortnightly Plan

Editable Fortnightly Plans provide an overview of learning outcomes, mathematical language, focus of new learning and learning experiences.

Maths My Way 3rd Class Unit Plan

Unit Plan

Editable Unit Plans contain one concise page per lesson with suggested learning experiences and anticipated student responses.

Maths My Way 3rd class: Game


Consolidate learning of the Transformation unit with a multiple choice game.

Maths My Way Senior Infants Unit 17. Maths Eyes: Bear's Adventure


Encourage children to use their maths eyes to answer questions about the picture
