All Write Now

An integrated approach to getting handwriting right!

Available for J1 - 4th Class

Integrated Approach

All Write Now is a comprehensive handwriting programme. Packed full of instruction, practice, revision and assessment opportunities, it will appeal to teachers and students in developing confident handwriting skills. All Write Now Cursive books A-D: recommended for students from 1st Class onwards. All Write Now Pre-Cursive books: Junior Infants to 2nd Class.

Flexible to suit your teaching needs

  • Frequent practice and revision opportunities
  • One lesson per page for handy time management
  • Self-assessment "traffic-light" system
  • Assessment opportunities for teacher and student
  • Cross-curricular integration with phonics, SESE and Gaeilge
  • W.A.L.T focus: lessons map to curriculum strands and objectives
  • Cursive font is designed to reflect popular modern writing trends

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