All the subject details
Read on to learn about the approach to content and skills

Science Content
Explores how things work and why they are relevant to children’s lives.
- Tried and tested content, e.g. seed growth and magnetic fields, sits alongside new, interesting topics e.g. Sustainability, Robotics and The Science of Stunts.
- Topics can easily be personalised and localised, with support in the Teacher’s Guide.
- Visuals bring science to life and help explain how things work, from the digestive system to an electric circuit.
- Guidance for hands-on learning, including conducting experiments
- Termly Quizzes, STEM Challenges, and Assessments

Science Skills
Explorers not only supports learning about science, but also developing science skills, especially for 3rd-6th.
- Two skills-based activities at the end of every unit, mapped to the curriculum, ensure balanced coverage of science skills.
- Four dedicated skills spreads in each book support skills that can be used across every topic, including Measuring and Working Scientifically.
- Investigations, Design and Makes and STEM Challenges support hands-on learning, the development of problem-solving skills and provide opportunities to work scientifically.

History Content
Explores personal, local, national and world history, making it relevant and meaningful for children.
- Tried and tested content, e.g. The Romans and The Second World War, sits alongside new, interesting topics e.g. The Evolution of Video Games and Young People Changing the World.
- Topics can easily be personalised and localised, with support in the Teacher’s Guide.
- Visuals bring the past to life, from stepping inside a Norman Castle to visiting the ancient city of Babylon.
- Guidance for hands-on learning, including conducting interviews.

History Skills
Explorers not only supports learning about history, but also developing history skills especially for 3rd-6th.
- Two skills-based activities at the end of every unit, mapped to the curriculum, ensure balanced coverage of history skills.
- Four dedicated skills spreads in each book support skills that can be used across every topic, including Measuring History and Sources.
- Timelines throughout each book and online help to situate events in the bigger picture and support time and chronology skills.

Geography Content
Explores the geography of the home and school, progressing to the local, national and international, making connections throughout to children's lives.
- Tried and tested content, e.g. river and mountains, sits alongside new, interesting topics e.g. Zero Waste, Climate Breakdown, and Communication in the Digital Age.
- Topics can easily be personalised and localised, with support in the Teacher’s Guide.
- Visuals bring people and places to life, from the fjords of Denmark to the favelas of Brazil.
- Guidance for hands-on learning, including field studies.

Geography Skills
Explorers not all only supports learning about geography, but also developing geography skills, especially for 3rd-6th.
- Two skills-based activities at the end of every unit, mapped to the curriculum, ensure balanced coverage of geography skills.
- Four dedicated skills spreads in each book support skills that can be used across every topic, including Measuring and Mapwork.
- Maps throughout each book and online help to develop a sense of place and space.