My Wellbeing Diary

Developing children’s mindfulness, resilience and emotional literacy

Available for Junior Infants to 6th Class

Read on to learn about My Wellbeing Diary

Supporting children's wellbeing

My Wellbeing Diary is an evidence-based, whole-school approach to wellbeing grounded in the SPHE curriculum. During these uncertain times, it is an excellent tool to help children develop their emotional literacy, resilience and promote healthy attitudes to sleep, food and exercise.

My Wellbeing Diary includes:

The Pupil Book with:

  • Diary pages to develop mindfulness and help children pay attention to their thoughts and feelings.
  • 10 learning modules covering each aspect of wellbeing – one for each month from September to June.


  • An online Teacher's Guide with curriculum mapping, notes for parents and detailed lesson plans as well as PowerPoint presentations to support the teaching of each learning module.
  • Videos to support the development of mindfulness, including belly breathing, body scan and thought diffusion.

Webinar for Primary Teachers: Nurturing a sense of wellbeing in challenging times

We hosted a Wellbeing Webinar with Stella O’Malley; who offered wellbeing advice for teachers on how to look after yourself during these uncertain times.

Our Head of Primary Publishing, Karen Wogan also walked through the My Wellbeing Diary programme and demonstrated how it can help develop children’s emotional literacy.

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