Bridge the Gap

Bridge the Gap Transition Year Books

Learn more about how this TY series can better prepare students for the senior cycle

Bridging the Gap between Junior Cycle and Leaving Cert

The Bridge the Gapseries helps close the gap in student knowledge between the junior and senior cycle. The series has been designed to give you all the content you need for the limited time available for each subject- saving you valuable time in lesson planning! It also includes a focus on careers in line with the ethos of TY. Now available for English, Gaeilge, Biology, PE, Maths, Chemistry, Physics & Spanish.

Check out our short overview video about Bridge the Gap!

”I am very impressed with Bridge the Gap English, particularly the leaving cert links. The language is appropriate, and the content is relevant and up to date. I also like the mix of emphasis on social media and politics. There is just enough material which allows for a quick approach.”

Edel McCaffrey, English Teacher, Longford

Bridge the Gap TY English

  • Our Transition Year English book is filled with a variety of extracts in a variety of media
  • This is a skills book. Each chapter contains specific critical thinking and composition tasks. It also provides examples of critical thinking analysis
  • Introduces key Leaving Cert concepts: the language genres, the comparative modes and how to execute a successful composition. These are concepts that are vital to success in the Leaving Cert
  • Provides the facility to record the student’s responses and creative work. It also suggests a broad range of careers associated with relevant topics
  • Contains a focused, comprehensive scheme of work for Transition Year English, saving you and your students time

Bridge the Gap Gaeilge don Idirbhliain

  • Déantar forbairt ar scileanna cainte, éisteachta, léitheoireachta, scríbhneoireachta agus gramadaí atá riachtanach don tSraith Shinsearach
  • Pléitear na scileanna le 40 ceacht agus rogha ag an múinteoir féin na ceachtanna a chur in ord tábhachta
  • Tá ábhar soiléir sna ceachtanna chun muinín an dalta a fhorbairt agus cabhraíonn sé leo an bhearna idir an tSraith Shóisearach agus an tSraith Shinsearach a shárú
  • Tá na ceachtanna forbartha le tascanna foclóra a chuireann Saibhreas teanga chun cinn
  • Déantar idirdhealú ar na ceachtanna atá oiriúnach do rang cumais mheasctha
  • Cabhraíonn an t-ábhar nua-aimseartha go mór le rannpháirtíocht sa rang
  • Tá aonad fócasaithe ann le tionscadail taighde don idirbhliain ar na topaicí – Cultúr, Folláine agus Fadhb domhanda

Bridge the Gap TY PE

  • The new Senior Cycle PE Framework covers learning in Transition Year, 5th year and 6th year. This Transition Year PE book provides learning experiences to address a great deal of the Framework’s learning outcomes, specifically the Personal Exercise and Physical Fitness, Sport Education, TPSR and TGfU curriculum models
  • Provides a significant knowledge base for students intending on taking LCPE in 5th year
  • Explores the digital technology and analysis skills which are so important in SCPE and LCPE
  • Helps students to develop key life skills by using tools to assess their own lifestyle, nutrition, preparation for sport and participation in sport, and provides insights into potential careers associated with each topic
  • Contributes to the school community by leading students through the organisation of a school sporting event

Bridge the Gap TY Biology

  • Bridges the widening gap between Junior Cycle Biology and Leaving Cert Biology. In our Transition Year Biology book, students will get to study and enjoy topics that are mentioned only briefly or not at all on the new JC course
  • You can decide to cover full topics or only certain aspects of each chapter depending on your school’s time allocation
  • Students can fill in the answers to any question throughout certain topics and the revision questions at the end of each section
  • Gives students the opportunity to study and discuss interesting case studies in each chapter
  • The last page of each chapter contains possible ideas for a research project based on the topic giving the student an opportunity to study an area of interest in more detail

Bridge the Gap TY Chemistry

  • Bridges the gap between Junior Cycle Chemistry and Leaving Cert Chemistry. Students get to study and enjoy topics that are mentioned briefly (or not at all) on the new JC specification, so they enter fifth-year chemistry with greater confidence and ability.
  • Chapters are designed around ‘stand-alone’ topics.
  • Keywords and key terms are highlighted throughout.
  • End-of-chapter questions test knowledge and build student confidence.
  • Research projects throughout allow students to develop their research and analytical skills.
  • Highlights the relevance of chemistry in our everyday lives.
  • Laboratory practical work is included throughout the book to enable students to develop key practical skills that will be of enormous benefit to them in Leaving Cert Chemistry.

Bridge the Gap TY Physics

  • Bridges the gap between Junior Cycle Physics and Leaving Cert Physics. Students get to study and enjoy topics that are mentioned only briefly (or not at all) on the new JC course, so they enter fifth-year physics with greater confidence and ability.
  • Focuses on physical concepts essential to Leaving Certificate
  • Physics such as waves and wave motion, the electromagnetic spectrum, specific heat capacity and scientific notation.
  • Designed around seven individual topics, each with their own individual chapter.
  • Keywords and key terms are highlighted throughout.
  • End-of-chapter questions test knowledge and build student confidence.
  • Laboratory practical work is included throughout to enable students to develop key practical skills that will be of enormous benefit to them in Leaving Cert Physics.
  • Highlights the role of physics in our everyday lives.
  • Research projects throughout allow students to develop their research and analytical skills.

Bridge the Gap TY Maths

  • Bridges the gap between Junior Cycle Maths and Leaving Cert Maths, encouraging students to engage with Maths and preparing them to start the Leaving Cert course.
  • Nine key topics are covered.
  • Students will consolidate what they learned in Junior Cycle, build confidence and be ready for the next step. There are sections on ‘Avoiding Common Mistakes’ in every chapter, to help students avoid the pitfalls that can lose them marks.
  • Students can fill in the answers to all questions that involve graphs in the book itself. Ready-made graphs with scales and axes are in the text, to make it easier to achieve success.
  • Gives students the opportunity to see the link between algebraic solutions and graphical solutions, with a strong emphasis on problem-solving.
  • Covers aspects of interesting, real-life mathematics.
  • The ‘Flipped Classroom’ sections can be prepared by students and brought to the whole class as presentations, videos or posters.

Bridge the Gap TY Spanish

  • Bridges the gap between Junior Cycle Spanish and Leaving Cert Spanish. Students get to consolidate and extend their vocabulary knowledge from Junior Cycle and to strengthen their understanding of grammar through contextual examples. 
  • Fun and flexible activities that are suitable for whole-class teaching, small group work or independent study.
  • Students can explore cultural topics from across the Spanish-speaking world.
  • A wide range of playful and interactive games and activities to boost student engagement and encourage interaction and language awareness.
  • Songs to support the key vocabulary, grammar or cultural topics in each chapter.
  • A dedicated grammar review section provides opportunities to practise key tenses.
  • A film review section can be used flexibly to support your chosen films.

Transition Year Webinar for Science Teachers

Our expert team of Science authors hosted a TY Biology, Chemistry and Physics webinar for Science teachers.

The authors of Bridge the Gap for TY Biology, Chemistry and Physics discussed the topics and experiments to cover for each subject in TY.

  • Biology - Wesley Hammond
  • Chemistry - Declan Kennedy & David O’Connell
  • Physics - Sean Finn

Watch the recording now!

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