Junior Cycle French by Joseph Dunne
Read on to learn about Bienvenue en France and try Digital Resources.

The complete teaching solution
Bienvenue en France will help students develop the essential skills for learning French, covering listening, spoken production, spoken interaction, reading and writing.
With lots of additional materials, this edition retains the elements that has made Bienvenue en France a firm favourite among teachers and students.

- 14 topic-based chapters
- Bright, colourful designs to engage students, with a clear chapter structure
- The right balance of the five skills of communicative language learning
- A comprehensive Teacher’s Guide
- Cultural references to France and other French-speaking countries
- Extensive aural and oral practice in every chapter
- Clear grammar points, verb tables and a variety of practice exercises
- A variety of exercises suitable for mixed-ability classes
- A4, full-colour student portfolio
- AfL throughout with opportunities for student self-evaluation and self-evaluation

Save time with our Teacher's Guide!
- Clarity on the new MFL specification and the new assessment guidelines
- Exam tips and advice on how to prepare students for CBAs, the AT (Assessment Task) and the Final Assessment
- Helpful planning tools and schemes of work, with year and suggested class planners
- Sample exponents, and full audio scripts
- Extra material for differentiation, including Travaux pratiques and extra AfL activities

Mon Portfolio - the Student Language Portfolio
- Our A4, full-colour Portfolios for Books 1 & 2 fully complement the textbooks and include activities based on each chapter.
- Contains comprehensive activities, each covering several skills, to help students become independent learners.
- Helps students keep a record of learning and samples of work for their CBAs.
We have improved how audio content can be played in class!
On FolensHIVE, we have launched an improved audio player, which offers smoother interaction when using the audio and zoom features on a page simultaneously. Read more about the player here.