Leaving Cert Politics and Society
Read on to learn about Theories in Action and check out the book!
Everything you need to know about the 17 Key Thinkers in one book!
Theories in Action covers all the key theorists from the specification, 17 chapters - one chapter per key thinker. Each chapter contains a short bio, and informed coverage of each thinkers' key works, ideas, and concepts.
It explains how their theories relate to the areas of human nature, government and state, society and identity, and economy and globalisation.
Relates key theories to contemporary issues
Each chapter relates key theories to contemporary issues by
- Setting context for the theory and where it might apply in everyday situations
- Exploring what key thinkers might say on different issues
Debate and discuss activities on key theorists and contemporary issues support a discursive classroom. What would Hobbes say about the 2020 Belarusian protests, or John Locke on Trump's refusal to concede defeat in the 2020 US Presidential Election?
Supports discursive essay writing
A discursive essay writing guide helps students to successfully write discursive essays that integrate theories with examples and evidence. This is a key requirement for Section C of the Higher Level paper, which counts for 50% of the paper's total marks.
A quick-reference section links topical issues and discursive-essay questions with the relevant key thinkers.
Exam focus and preparation
- Exam-style short answer questions
- Exam-style discursive essay questions
- Addresses the recommendations from the Chief Examiner on Section C of the Higher Level paper
Written by a subject expert and examiner
Gerard Elwood teaches Leaving Certificate Politics and Society at Maynooth Post Primary School, Kildare. He studied Politics and Sociology in both his primary degree and secondary teaching qualifications. He is currently a Higher Level examiner.
Programme Package
Also, available in the Theories in Action programme:
- eBook